
Showing posts from December, 2020

3rd R English class work for poem little talk


3P Maths HW

Learn and write 2 to 9 table's in home work book

3 R science homework

  Complete the bit part from TB pg- 7 in term- 2

3rd Telugu H.W

L. 2 q/a learn and write in telugu H. W 1time from telugu C. W

3rd Write in telugu C. W


3P Maths HW

Do pgnos-51,52 in Application Book-A

3rd P English class work - suffix and prefix


3rd R n p telugu H. W

5à°µ,పద్à°¯ం learn and write in telugu H. W 1time from telugu T.B page no 95

3P social (L-7) Notes


3rd R n p telugu modular devision


3rd R n p telugu modular division


3R maths modular division


3P maths modular division


3P maths class work of properties of Multiplication and check point-9


3R social term-2 (L-3) notes


3P Maths HW

Do C,D bits of pgnos-49,50 in Application Book-A

3rd R and P English homework


3rd telugu H.W

4à°µ,పద్à°¯ం learn and write in telugu H. W 1time from telugu T.B page no 94

3P Social (L-8) Notes


3rd R English .. identify the rhyming words in poem


3rd P,R Hindi H.W.

  Read  T.B  pg  no. 42

3R Maths HW

Do HWS-70 of pgno-130

3 P Science home work

 Complete work sheet 5.3 from application book-A

3R maths class work


3R Maths HW:

 Do CWS-76,77 of pgnos-76,77

Drawing and Measuring Segments | Maths for Kids | Grade 4 | Periwinkle


3rd CBSE English class work

 And Complete Pgno 37 in course book (think abd reflect 2nd question) space is provided in text book only.

3P Maths HW

 Do B bit of pgnos-48,49 in Application Book-A

3rd R n p telugu H. W

L.. 6 q/a learn from telugu C. W

3rd Write in telugu c. W


Class 3 Maths CBSE | Properties of Multiplication | Ch 4, Session 4.8


3P maths class work of check points-6,7


3 R science homework

  practice the 3 Q/A from lesson--5 in CW

3rd P English H.W

  Read All the meanings - le-6 MY FAILED OMELETTES .. textbook

3rd Telugu H.W

1,2à°ªేà°°ాà°²ు read from telugu T.B page no 74

3 R science homework

Learn and write 1,2 Q/A from lesson--5 in CW

3rd P English

  learn le 6 ( first 4 meanings, in word buddy ) Pgno 35 in course Book.

3rd Telugu H.W

à°… bit learn and write in telugu H. W 1time from telugu T.B page no 71

3 P Science home work:

 -Complete work sheet 5.2  from application book-A

3rd R English homework


3rd P,R Hindi H.W

 L/W  वर्णमाला  in  H.W 

3R maths class work


3R Maths HW:

 Do HWS-69 of pgnos-127,128

3P lesson -9.. ( children watch this video, it is related tomorrow's social class)


3p social homework..

 Learn application book-B (L-7) worksheet 7.5

3 p science home work:-

 complete worksheet 5.1 from application book-A

3R maths sharing video


3rd P,R Hindi H.W.

 L/W  le..7  meanings  in  H.W

3rd R English les 1. The Baby Elephant (term -2) class work
